Sunday, October 4, 2020

SHV - S08E04 - The Simpsons: Treehouse Of Horror IV

 The hits keep on coming with another Simpsons: Treehouse Of Commentary, this time looking at the 4th "Simpsons Halloween Special", also arguably one of the best ones ever made as it includes "The Devil & Homer Simpson", "Terror At 5 & 1/2 Feet" and "Bart Simpson's Dracula". We'll look at what Merry Melodies cartoon inspired the "Homer in Hell" scene and how it was Matt Groening's favorite piece of animation, what Disney villain made a brief appearance, and ask the burning question...who the hell is James Coco? That's just in the first segment! Plus special musical guest, former With Faith Or Flames guitarist Eric Weatherford's brand new Synth-wave project SHREDDERFORD helps us get spooky with the Halloween jam "Ghoul School". Check him out at

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SHV - S20E06 - The Lair Of The White Worm (1988)

  Y'all wanna get weird? Let's get weird. This week we're looking at a movie about a monster of English folklore who happens to ...